Hello, i am from Serbia! I can understand russian becauce oure languages are the very same, but i can't writte on it. Cuold you give mi links for problems about astrophysics, celestial mechanics and spherical asteronomy. They can be on Russian or English. I need it without high mathematics (integrals, diferentials, limes...).
Всего сообщений: Нет | Присоединился: Never | Отправлено: 23 апр. 2006 0:35 | IP
What kind of problems do you want? All serious books in astrophysics, celestial mechanics etc. require a strong background in math. On a popular level there is a good astronomy problem book "Dagaev M.M. Sbornik zadach po astronomii (Prosveshchenie, 1980)" in Russian.
Всего сообщений: 835 | Присоединился: октябрь 2003 | Отправлено: 26 апр. 2006 20:40 | IP
i need problems for high school astronomy olimpiade... i can't here find any problem books... can i find soke problems on net?
Всего сообщений: Нет | Присоединился: Never | Отправлено: 21 мая 2006 21:38 | IP